Civil Services Examination (CSE) is  conducted by the  Union Public Service Commission to recruit candidates in All India Services -Indian Administrative Service, Indian Police Service & Indian Forest Service, other group A services such as Indian Foreign Service (IFS) Indian Revenue Service (IRS), etc. and  for few Group B services. Every year lakhs of candidates appear nationwide in Civil Service Examination (commonly known as UPSC / IAS exam), which is conducted in three stages:

  1. Civil Services Exam (Preliminary)  – Objective Type
  2. Civil Services Exam (Main) – Descriptive Type
  3. Personality Test / Interview

To know the details about all three stages Click here

To start with :

  • First go through the syllabus of the prelims as well as as four papers of General studies. Get an overview of the examination process by watching various YouTube videos, reading blogs of various toppers etc.
    Those who are in Delhi can go to Rajinder Nagar or Mukherjee Nagar, have a cup of tea and get the feel of the environment.
  • Make a habit of reading news paper daily- read only the news articles; no need to read editorial / opinion at the starting. If daily reading is not possible, try for at least three – four days in a week.
  • If someone is comfortable with history, geography; he/she can start directly with class IX – NCERT, otherwise start from class VI – NCERT books.
  • Slowly start with the books recommended for prelims and try to get acquainted with the current developments in the country as well as abroad.
  • After completing the basic books, start to cover the GS syllabus paper wise. Try to have a module wise approach while covering the GS syllabus.
  • Start answer writing, only after completing the GS syllabus at least once.
  • Slowly and steadily pick up the pace for your preparation. Always remember that UPSC is not a 100m race rather a marathon. One need to work hard with patience and perseverance. Preserve your energy & give the best in the final lap. And after all these if u fail in 1st, 2nd or 3rd attempt, don’t lose your hope but always remember

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.

So, Work hard, Give your best, Keep faith in yourself, Have your dream alive & Always take the stairs as

There is no elevator to Success


Bishnupada Saha · February 27, 2022 at 4:54 am

I want to became a WBCS OFFICER

Dipto Nandy · February 28, 2022 at 8:09 pm

i am from asansol

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