Hello Everyone. My name is Amit Verma, I am 2017 Batch IPS officer of West Bengal Cadre. I am presently posted as Additional SP Mathabhanga in CoochBehar District.

I did my B.Tech in Civil Engineering from IIT Roorkee in 2012 then I joined Wipro Technologies as Business Associate from campus. I neither gave an attempt nor studied just after college as 2012 was the year when it was known that UPSC CSE pattern would change from next year but what would be the pattern, it was not known. Once the pattern was known then I started giving attempts along with my job which I was not able to leave because of some family issues.

My DadaJi was a freedom fighter and a Gandhian by all means. His thoughts, ideas and stories about our freedom struggle used to inspire me a lot and he always wanted me to work for the country. That was my first start to think about a career which would help me to contribute to nation building.  My Mama ji is an IAS officer of Rajasthan cadre. I used to visit him sometimes during my summer vacations and I used to see how he was able to work for the people and impact their lives. There are specifically two instances which led me to make a decision that I would be giving the Civil Services Exam. One was when after my class XIIth I was in Kota preparing for JEE then a student living near my room was from Bharatpur and when I told his father about my native place then he told that there was DM of Bharatpur from the same native place who has done very good work in their district. I was filled with pride and stated that he is my Mama ji. This made me realise that the Civil Servants work makes a long lasting impact on people’s lives and minds. Second instance was when My Mama Ji received an award for his work from the President of India. This made me realise that work done by the civil servant is valuable in a country’s growth and development.

In 2013 I gave my first attempt and cleared prelims and I took Public Administration as my optional. I prepared for 3 month in Delhi along with one of my college friends after taking Without pay leave from Wipro but I failed in Mains mostly because of poor performance in my Optional. I decided to change my optional as I knew Public Administration was not my cup of tea. I choose Anthropology as my new optional subject. 

In 2014 me and my friend decided to take the Indian Engineering Services Exam as we thought CSE was becoming too unpredictable after our first attempt. So I left my job at Wipro and gave IES in 2014. We both qualified in IES in our first attempt and I joined Indian Railways Service of Engineers (IRSE) and kept on preparing for CSE and giving attempts.

On 10th May 2016 while I was undergoing training in National Academy of Indian Railways (NAIR, Vadodara) then the CSE 2015 results came out.

I had just returned from an awesome trek of Beas kund and was sleeping in my room when a colleague of mine asked me to get up as my name was in the list (aka Holy PDF). I was excited and downloaded the result to check it myself. I searched my name and found it there but when I saw the roll number in front of my name I wasn’t able to understand why it was different from mine.

It took me sometime ( though only a few minutes but they were really long – I cannot forget those moments – they were a true learning experience ) to understand that I was not selected. This whole incident was more disturbing than if my name had not appeared in the list at all.

Wishes from people in the academy started coming in and that increased the frustration. Many people from the academy ( many under 100 rankers) were selected and I felt disappointed and found it difficult to start my preparations again.

After a point I stopped telling people that it’s not me in the list rather I accepted their wishes 😉

After a few days I again started preparing for my next attempt along with my training. My friend was selected in IRS and I took help from him and other seniors to make corrections in my strategy. I started practising and revising daily more as compared to reading new content.

On 31st May 2017 came the result for CSE 2016 

I was preparing for Prelims ( only 18 days were left ) but my mind was occupied with the thoughts of results. Around 7–7:30 pm I got a message from my friend that the result has come and there is a name “Amit Verma” in the list. With the thought – please God, Not again, I took out my admit card ( even though I knew my Mains Roll number) so as to ensure both my name and roll number are in the final list. I confirmed the same by asking my parents, siblings and friends to look for the same. I had secured AIR 253 in CSE 2016. After all these confirmations I felt relieved of clearing it and happiness on my parents faces made my day.

With this background I would like to share my experience regarding CSE preparations.

Starting with the most important thing, an already selected college senior once told me that in CSE preparations, it is more important to be able to decide what not to read than what to read. This is very important for all the aspirants especially for aspirants who are either working or have time constraints.

For Working Professionals :

  • Maintaining a daily and weekly schedule of topics to be covered is most important to ensure efficient time utilisation.
  • Reading the content which requires books like world history etc, while one is at home – in morning or evening – morning time could be used for learning the content and in the evening the same could be revised.
  • Reading the online content like daily current affairs, quizzes etc during commutation from home to office or in breaks during office time.
  • Weekends helps one to analyse what has been left out and realign oneself with one’s schedule which is required to meet the targets.
  • The end goal is to prepare the UPSC syllabus for GS and optional thoroughly so that one could give his best during the exam to crack this exam.With this in mind one should focus on quality study time and syllabus coverage should be the top priority.
  • One could take help of technology to ensure optimum utilisation of available time and weekends could be used to cover the left out portions.
  • Studying only relevant content from authentic sources becomes most important.
  • Working professionals should use their job security as a strength and must focus more on studying quality and relevant content. They don’t have the luxury to waste time or read content not directly related to UPSC.
  • UPSC syllabus and last year question papers help a lot in deciding what to read or not.
  • At the end it’s about 200 quality words for every question. Neither more nor Less. So whoever does that succeeds – whether a working profession or any other aspirant.

Prelims –

Prelims( Got 154/200) is a tough competition where first elimination for CSE takes place and one should devote proper time for its preparation.

Strategy which I followed was –

  1. Dedicated three months preparation which would cover my static portion of mains syllabus as well as current affairs till prelims exam for GS.
  2. Thorough analysis of Previous Year question papers as a guide to understand which type of questions UPSC is asking. This would help an aspirant to keep one’s preparations aligned with UPSC.
  3. Reading selected standard books and their frequent revision.
  4. Followed InsightonIndia daily quizzes, Daily current affairs, Vision monthly magazines, PT 365 and Insight revision tests. One could follow any similar source religiously.
  5. For current affairs we have to maximise the probability of getting the question from our read sources by covering as many topics/issues as possible. For this if you follow one website/institute for daily current affairs then follow another website/institute’s monthly magazine and yet another for mock test/test series. This would ensure you cover maximum issues/topics resulting in no topic or issue being missed.
  6. Revising the above as many times as possible.

Daily practice of 25- 30 Prelims questions is more effective than solving full mocks. After attempting them one must analyse where one is making mistakes and what could be done to make improvements.

The art of eliminating the options is very important which one could learn through practicing Questions.

Frequent revision of read sources is very important as that increases the accuracy in prelims as well as reduces the negative marking which overall helps in getting through.

Essay –

I got 158 in CSE 2016 and had taken inputs from strategies of various toppers like the strategy of Chandra Mohan Garg sir who posted his essay strategy on InsightonIndia website.

In the current pattern of UPSC, one has to write two essays with a maximum limit of 1200 words each. To begin with essays could be taken as long GS answers and one could choose essay topics from UPSC last year Question Papers.

Essay is not about flowery language or Quotes but about presenting one’s view point and justifying it with suitable examples, data and evidence. Good language and quotes are just supplements and cannot replace the substance and soul of the essay.

One must practice two essays per week especially after Prelims and get them evaluated by friends, teachers, fellow aspirants or any mentor. This way one is able to prepare relevant material (which includes facts, reports, indices, judgements etc) on different topics which one could revise before the examination. One can also prepare quotations for broader areas like environment, women, science and technology etc. and successfully use them to supplement dimensions and sub dimensions in the essay. 

Strategy during the exam –

  1. Choosing the right topic i.e. about which one has the relevant content – examples, facts, quotations etc. I wrote on “If development is not engendered, it is endangered.” I had previously prepared on women issues which helped me choose this topic.
  2. Preparing the blueprint ( for 15-20 minutes)
  3. Revising the Blueprint and structuring it.
  4. Writing the essay for an hour.
  5. Moving to the second essay and selecting the topic keeping in mind that the content from the first essay is not repeated in the second. I wrote on “Cyberspace and Internet : Blessing or Curse to human civilization in the long run”. I had previously prepared on the Internet of things, Digital world and Net neutrality, which helped me choose this topic.
  6. Preparing the blueprint and writing the essay.
  7. Revising both the essays to avoid silly mistakes and thus saving marks.

I have the habit of starting my essay with simple definition of the topic and giving a glimpse of what I would be dealing ahead.

I used quotations in the body and conclusion. I used simple language and small paragraphs as well as tried to cover multiple dimensions and sub dimensions in the essay.

The criticism should be constructive and solutions should be given to overcome the shortcomings if any.

Dimensions like Rural areas, Tribal population, Agriculture are very important to be covered apart from social, economic, political, historical and cultural dimensions.

While making the blueprint one could also think of all the GS papers from I to IV to think about various dimensions like historical, geographical, international, legal etc

Quoting examples to substantiate is must. Current Affairs prepared for GS helps in this.

The conclusion should be futuristic and positive. The government schemes along with other stakeholders viz private organisations, NGOs and media efforts and roles should be mentioned.

The conclusion should be futuristic and positive. The government schemes along with NGOs and media efforts should be mentioned. There must be some personal suggestions as well in the end before giving a futuristic conclusion to one’s essay.

GS Papers –

Aim should be to cover the syllabus topics thoroughly from standard sources. One could use value addition material of various institute’s like Vision etc as well as various topper notes available in the market to cover those topics. 

  1. Followed Insight secure and practiced writing a few of those questions daily especially the ethics question. I used to discuss it with my friends which helped me in knowing the points that I missed as well as it helped in preparing the topics for mains.
  2. I wrote all the answers in points unlike my previous attempt in which I used paragraphs. I observed that with points one is able to write more relevant content along with various dimensions avoiding repetition.
  3. Followed Vision Mains 365 and Monthly Magazines.
  4. Last year papers were a guiding light for aligning oneself with the UPSC.
  5. I tried to link the answers with current events, drew diagrams where I could and tried to give examples wherever possible.
  6. Practising Daily is more effective in learning the answer writing skill and practising full mocks later to ensure that paper could be completed on time without diluting the quality.
  7. Peer evaluation and group study is important to know different perspectives.

To Tackle Boredom and remain motivated (Stress Management):

  • During UPSC preparation my seniors used to say that even while wasting your time you should be doing something which should be of value in UPSC preparations.
  • Everyone gets bored of things but what matters is how fast one is able to get out of such a state.
  • Every individual has his/her own way of overcoming this state; else one must develop a way to get out of such a state to ensure best in UPSC preparations.
  • With this in mind, one could involve himself in NGOs, watch motivational movies, Read books of one’s own choice, pursue a hobby etc.
  • One could also practice Answer/Essay writing or give mocks or watch online lectures during this state of boredom.
  • For motivation one could –
    • Watch TED talks
    • Read Ethics and works of philosophers
    • Pen down Your own solutions for the problems you see around
    • Read about successful candidates on various online platforms
    • Write about what one would do once he/she becomes a civil servant
    • Analyse and discuss the strategy with a friend or teacher
    • Failures need to be taken seriously as they offer an opportunity to learn and ensure mistakes are not repeated
    • Talking with family members helps to calm down nerves
    • pursuing a hobby or a sport helps to avoid mental fatigue one could suffer by continuous studies.

I know all the above things are easier said than done. With strong inner motivation and desire one could overcome all the obstacles and achieve one’s aim.

Interview  :

Question asked in CSE interview are usually from following areas 

  • Details filled by a candidate in Detailed Application Form ( DAF ) that includes –
  • Education related – undergraduate, masters etc
  • Optional subject
  • Native city and State
  • College related like my friend was asked to trace history of IIT Roorkee
  • Hobbies, Games, Leadership positions etc mentioned in DAF by the candidate
  • Current or previous Job if any
  • Cadre or service preference

Apart from this current topic or issues could be asked as well.

Situation or role based questions like what one would do if one is DM of a flood prone city etc are also asked.

One must remember that it is not the test of knowledge but of personality. So how one responds and answers to a question becomes more important than the actual content itself.

One must be as close to genuine self as possible in the answers.

The interview boards usually are very cordial and so were mine. My interviews went fine. Though my marks may not reflect the same.

CSE 2016  Interview Date – 28 Mar 2017

Board – Sir B.S.Bassi ( Afternoon session ) – Fourth in the list –

Chairman ( Bassi Sir) –

  • So you write letters to editor. Last time when you wrote and which issue? Tell me which was printed? To whom you send the letters?
  • You are HRD secy, skills you would like to give to tenth class students?
  • Specific skills and sectors for them to have employment? What are soft skills?

Member 1 :

  • Types of soil?
  • Types of foundations?
  • Black cotton soil – bearing strength and checks required for construction on such a soil?
  • How would you irrigate a field on a higher level than river? How many clearances are required for a building construction?

Member 2 : Lady member :

  • Why pollution through construction?
  • Why not 100 years ago?
  • Supreme court guidelines on this issue?
  • What to do for such pollution?
  • What is aadhaar? For which services it can be used?

Member 3 :

  • Do you support MOOCs?
  • Why not replace teachers with them?
  • Success rate of them in USA ?
  • What infrastructure is required for them?
  • What is skill India mission?
  • Failure of last missions?
  • Difference between B.E. and B.Tech.?

Member 4 :

  • Tell innovative solution for female foeticide?
  • Pros and cons of registering sex on birth?
  • What could make males respect females?
  • Why women are not able to exercise their property rights?
  • Give me innovative solutions for overcoming this problem?

Chairman : pointing towards my pic in DAF. Is this you? I replied – Yes.

He said -Thank you. Your interview is over.

CSE 2015  Interview Date – 10 Mar 2016

Board – Sir David R. Syiemlieh ( Afternoon session ) – Fourth in the list –

$ Chairman (David Sir) –

  • Why civil services?
  • Who influenced you to take civil services?
  • What if you get north east cadre?
  • Your perception about north East?
  • Anthropological perspective?
  • Anthropologist who have studied North east tribes?
  • Books you have read for Anthropology?

$ Member 1 :

  • Why we don’t see a statue of an administrator?
  • Name some civil engineering marvel you could be proud of?
  • Why Panchayati Raj system has not shown good results?
  • What did you do at your job?

$ Member 2 :

  • Flash flood has occurred in your district. What would you do as DM?
  • Importance of South China sea?

$ Member 3 :

  • A diagram puzzle ( God knows what it was 😉 )
  • How to increase attendance in college classes?
  • What is IMPRINT?
  • What is NMEICT?
  • Enumerate its fetures

$ Member 4 ( Lady Member ) :

  • Why you want to join civil services, which is a very challenging job?
  • How would you handle the job?
  • How would you take care of request etc from public or relatives ?

In the end I would like to say that everyone is unique and has one’s own learning curve, one must listen to everyone but must form one’s own strategy for this examination as per one’s own strengths and weaknesses. Failures must be thoroughly analysed and lessons must be drawn for the future. Constant introspection is necessary to keep oneself aligned with UPSC. 

The other important point I would like to stress upon is to keep oneself healthy and fit during preparation and to be able to undergo the regress days of examination during mains.

I would like to share the quotes that kept me motivated during my CSE journey :

” Arise, Awake and stop not till the goal is reached.” 

Swami Vivekananda 

“Set your life on fire, seek those who fan your flames.”


Hope this will help. Just Believe in yourself and remember that it is only your fears and limitations which you need to conquer to succeed.

Best Wishes !!


Tanmay Sengupta · June 6, 2022 at 2:20 am

We are proud to have Mr.Amit Verma as an IPS Officer in our district.
FBC GROUP Will try to motivate the youth to consider him as a role model prepared themselves for Civil service & other competitive exams.

Prof Amit Kumar · December 5, 2022 at 3:00 pm

I fell proud to be the alumni of IIT Roorkee where lot of motivated friends cracking UPSC every year. I feel happy to connect with them, Mr Amit Verma is hardworking and honest towards his work since IIT Roorkee, that why he deserve this position. I am very happy to have a brother like him, and following his footprints. 😍🙏🤝, All the best my brother

Bijay Basak · January 27, 2023 at 9:09 am

Thank you first. I am inspired by you and set my goals. No matter how much danger comes, I will not be afraid. Thank you very much sir.🙏

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