Over the years anthropology has become one of the most preferred optional. Syllabus of anthropology can be broadly divided into 5 parts:

  • TRIBAL INDIA (Paper 2)
  • ARCHAELOGY (Paper 1 and 2)

  • This optional can be taken by person of any academic background. Anthropology has combination of sciences and humanities. Combination of genetics, society, evolution, history, tribal. So, people from all kind of background find it relatively comfortable.
  • Lack of good precise books and study material and guidance has been one of the issues with this optional. However, this constraint has gradually reduced with ample amount of online and offline resources and toppers notes and strategy.
  • Over the years, the difficulty of anthropology optional questions in UPSC-CSE mains have increased. More conceptual clarity and in depth understanding of topics is required to score well in exam. So, anyone with basic interest and enthusiasm for the subject can take this optional.



  • N.K Vaid- In Search of Ourselves
  • Any study material (Brain tree or Muniratnam) (for basic framework of all these topics)
  • Gaya and Upadhaya Book (for topics like anthro theories)
  • IGNOU material and Ember and Ember (for value addition)


  • Start with any one source and read all topic couple of times. Then follow secondary sources for value addition and conceptual depth. Focus on conceptual clarity. Make brief notes by combining various sources.
  • Name of thinker, their book has to be mentioned while answering relevant questions. For all topics like culture, society marriage, family, religion etc memorise couple of standard definition of thinkers. Case studies and examples play a very important role. Use diagram and flow chart, especially in theory part

Basic format for answer should include:

Explain concept in simple language… then any standard definition. Thinker and their work…concepts… case studies…criticism/limitation…contemporary application/changes



  • Biological Anthropology by Dr. Arjun Bopanna
  • Telugu academy book (For evolution part this can be followed)
  • Physical Anthropology- P. Nath
  • IGNOU material (value addition)


  • Arjun Bopanna book and Telugu academy book are good resource material to start. People with biology and medical background student would find this part relatively easy. Can watch online you tube videos to understand basic topics like genetics.
  • Diagrams are very important in this part, especially evolution part. Map of fossil and their distribution is also very important
  • Important examples and case study in topics like Applied anthropology becomes important. Make collection of those examples and use them accordingly.

Basic framework of answer of this part can be:

Definition. Relevant anthropologist and their work…concept…diagram…application…any socio-cultural perspective…conclusion



  • Indian Anthropology-Nadeem Hasnain(for conceptual understanding)
  • Gaya and Upadhaya Book(for Indian anthropologist and other topics, case studies)
  • Few of topper notes like Mandar Patki AIR-22(CSE 2019), can be used for collecting good case studies of relevant topics
  • Sociology optional resources can also be used for case studies and contemporary development.


  • More applied questions are being asked from this part over the years. So, focus on conceptual clarity and interlinkage between various concepts like Caste, Tribe, Jajmani, Tribe Caste Continuum, Sanskritisation, Little tradition Great tradition village system etc.
  • Focus on examples and case studies and small diagram/flowchart. Contemporary linkage is every topic is very important in all topics.
  • Remember name of thinkers and their related work and quote them accordingly.
  • For some of the topics like future of caste system, contemporary relevance of concepts like sanskritization, jajmani system etc can refer sociology optional notes as well.



  • Tribal India-Nadeem Hasnain (for conceptual understanding)
  • Xaxa Report (for important tribal issues, data and case studies)
  • Census report/newspaper- (for data and case studies)
  • e-PG Pathsaala booklets (value addition and important case studies)
  • Main Bhi Bharat-TV series RSTV (to get overview of tribal society and understand contemporary changes which is taking place in tribal society. Can also make brief notes, which can be used as case studies)


  • This part is very dynamic in nature. Focus should be on interlinkage of topics. Avoid writing generic or General Studies paper like answers for tribal questions. Answer has to incorporate theoretical concepts of anthropology, case studies and data
  • Try to use some of the concepts and theories of Paper 1 like evolution, functionalism, structuralism, ecological anthropology etc while answering tribal questions. For example, which answering tribal poverty issue can write about economic anthropology concept from Paper 1.
  • Use current affairs example of tribal for reflect on contemporary changes and development of tribal society.
  • Newspaper can be a good source for this.
  • Make use of map for show distribution of tribes and their problems in relevant questions asked.
  • Regarding case studies, make a list of important case studies for various topics. One should be able to use one case study for multiple topics. For example, case studies of tribal land alienation may be used for displacement or tribal indebtedness.
  • Make answers holistic, empirical, with conceptual basis to score good marks.



  • Nadeem Hasnain: Indian Anthropology (For Indian Archaeology)
  • D K Bhattacharya Book (selective reading, especially for debatable issues and topics of archaeology)
  • IGNOU material (can be used as secondary source for value addition)


  • This is one of the most scoring part. Try to make brief concise notes of every phase by using at least 2 sources. Use diagram for distribution of sites and tools.
  • Basic format of answer of archaeology site or phase should include:
  • Site, timeline, phase, site finding, map, other features, tool and diagram, cultural aspects, contemporary linkage if any


  • Define your limited primary sources. Read them multiple time for conceptual depth and understanding.
  • Make your own notes.
  • Read secondary sources very briefly, so that one can pick up good case studies, examples and value enrichment content. Add those content to your already made notes.
  • Revise your notes multiple times. Try to link various concepts and topics.
  • Regular writing practice is very important. Start with topic wise previous year question. Gradually write full test.
  • While writing try to make your answer holistic in nature. For example, try to use knowledge of Paper 1 like theories, concepts while answering paper 2 questions. Similarly try to use Paper 2 content like Tribal example, Indian anthropology in Paper 1. As a general rule, Paper 1 theories can become introduction for paper 2 answers and Paper 2 examples can become conclusion for Paper 1 answer.
  • Make collection of good case studies, fact, diagrams, map, examples for every topic.
  • Also give adequate focus on memorising important definition, thinkers account, facts, case studies etc.



UPSC CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION PRELIMS STRATEGY : By Rickey Agarwal (AIR-87, CSE-2020) : Click here to read


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