Abhishek Chourasiya

Worked as Lead Engineer at Samsung Research Institute Noida, Uttar Pradesh for more than 3 years. As part of Job description, Abhishek successfully filed 6 patent applications in patent offices across the globe. One of these has been recently granted by US Patent Office.

Thereafter, cleared the Civil Services examination and joined Indian Administrative Services (IAS) – currently posted as Additional District Magistrate & Additional Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal and is playing role in execution of various developmental schemes and projects.

Successful Examinations

AIR 5 in Indian Forest Service Examination, 2016 (1st attempt) Subjects Chosen:  1. Agricultural Engineering   2. Forestry

AIR 72 in Civil Services Examination, 2016 (3rd attempt) Subject Chosen: Geography


In Abhishek’s own words

IAS would provide me diverse roles and responsibilities whereby I can utilize my capabilities in thinking and help in implementing innovative solutions to various problems India is facing. IAS provides an opportunity to work for and at the grass root levels of society

Advice to aspirants

The latest pattern of examination demands good knowledge about current affairs. For this, regular reading of newspapers is must. In this quest, smart utilization of internet can prove very helpful.

Science subjects v/s Humanities subject

Science subjects are more objective and have more of certainty as compared to Humanities subjects. Humanities subject have overlaps in the general studies papers. Thus, from strategy point of view, both type of subjects have their own advantages and disadvantages. A candidate can score good in either of the subject. It depends on individual’s strategy

Indian Polity by Laxmikant, A Brief History Of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir, Environment by ShankarIAS, Goh Cheng Leong, Certificate Physical and Human Geography, NCERT books

NCERT books are very helpful for Mains as well and one should try to go through them before examination.

For geography, I did not do anything special since it was my optional. While writing the answers I ensured that I do not write highly technical stuff.

For Indian Society, I relied mostly on Class XI and XII NCERT books. I also prepared topic wise notes based on newspaper articles.

For History, I relied mostly on NCERT books. I also prepared for personalities individually e.g. National leaders Governor Generals etc.

For Art and Culture, apart from NCERT books, I went through CCRT website.

Indian Polity by Laxmikant gives enough factual information to support your answers with. I tried to provide Constitutional article numbers/Acts etc wherever possible.

For IR topics, I visited Ministry of external affairs site. Also I made my own notes from the newspaper articles. My coaching notes also proved to be helpful.

For topics like “Issues relating to poverty and hunger”, I tried to gather current status, measures taken etc from various reports and news articles.

For economics, I mostly relied in Class XI and XII NCERT and newspaper and coaching notes.

I did not do anything extra for Science and Technology except reading The Hindu.

For topics related to Internal security, I again made notes based on newspaper articles.

I also listed major acts/bills/schemes/policies and their major provisions.

For theories and thinkers, I went through Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude for Civil Services Examination by G. Subba Rao  apart from my coaching notes. Further, I prepared my own notes explaining and differentiating the jargon.
Most helpful would be to give a deeper thought about any and every issue that comes up while reading newspaper. While doing so one should try to think of various ethical dimensions, ethical/legal issues, possible options etc.

I did not do anything special for this paper except that I researched on how to write good essay on internet before the exam. I made my own strategies for dealing with various type of essay topics and followed it during the exam.

Message for UPSC aspirants

Current pattern of UPSC has a lot of stress of Current Affairs. Focus on it to secure good marks.

Key Success mantra for cracking the examination

Smart Hard Work and effective time management is the key to success in this examination

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